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Publications & PresentationsPublic DeliverablesPrototype Platform and Applications Plan and Definition (D3.1) State of the art Report and Technical Requirements (D2.1) Conceptual Architecture of PSIRP Including Subcomponent Descriptions (D2.2) Preliminary Validation Plan and Selection of Tools (D4.1) Dissemination and Exploitation plan (D5.2) Implementation Plan based on Conceptual Architecture (D3.2) Dissemination and Exploitation Report (D5.4) Architecture Definition, Component Descriptions, and Requirements (D2.3) First Report on Quantitative and Qualitative Architecture Validation (D4.2) Progress Report and Evaluation of Implemented Upper and Lower Layer (D3.3) First report on deployment incentives and business models (D4.3) Description of validation and simulation tools in PSIRP context (D4.4) Update on the Architecture and Report on Security Analysis (D2.4) Integration and Demonstration Plan (D3.4) Final Description of the Implementation (D3.5) Final Architecture Validation and Performance Evaluation Report (D4.5) Final Plan for Using and Disseminating Knowledge (D5.5) Final Evaluation Report on Deployment Incentives and Business Models (D4.6) Final Updated Architecture (D2.5) Report on Raising Public Participation and Awareness (D5.6) Technical ReportsFrom Design for Tussle to Tussle Networking: PSIRP Vision and Use Cases (TR08-0001) LIPSIN: Line Speed Publish/Subscribe Inter-Networking (TR09-0001) Conceptual Architecture for Evaluating Inter-Domain Solutions within OneLab2 (TR09-0002) Inter-domain Rendezvous Service Architecture (TR09-003) PSIRP Traffic and Congestion Control Implementation (TR10-0001) Illustrating a Publish-Subscribe Internet Architecture (TR10-002) Scientific Articles
PublishedSärelä M, Rinta-aho T, and Tarkoma S, RTFM: Publish/Subscribe Internetworking Architecture. ICT-MobileSummit 2008 Conference Proceedings, Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds), IIMC International Information Management Corporation, 2008, ISBN: 978-1-905824-08-3 . Nikander P and Marias G F, Towards Understanding Pure Publish/Subscribe Cryptographic Protocols. Cambridge Security Protocols Workshop (SPW 2008). Tarkoma S, Trossen D, and Särelä M, Black Boxes: Making Ends Meet in Data Driven Networking. MobiArch’08, August 22, 2008, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp 67-72. Xylomenos G, Katsaros K, and Kemerlis V, Peer Assisted Content Distribution over Router Assisted Overlay Multicast. Euro-NF Future Internet Architecture workshop, November 20-21. Rajahalme J, Särelä M, Nikander P, and Tarkoma S, Incentive-Compatible Caching and Peering in Data-Oriented Networks. Re-Arch'08, www.sigcomm.org/co-next2008/rearch.html, Dec 9, 2008. Esteve C, Verdi F, and Magalhaes M, Towards a new generation of information-oriented Internetworking architectures. Re-Arch'08, www.sigcomm.org/co-next2008/rearch.html, Dec 9, 2008. Katsaros K, Fotiou N, Polyzos G, and Xylomenos G, Overlay multicast assisted mobility for future publish-subscribe networks. ICT Mobile Summit 2009, June 10-12 2009. Zahemsky A, Esteve C, Csaszar A, and Nikander P, Exploring the Pub-Sub Routing & Forwarding Space. ICC Workshop on the Network of The Future. Kjällman J, Attachment to a Native Publish/Subscribe Network. ICC Workshop on the Network of The Future. Katsaros K., Fotiou N., Polyzos, G. and Xylomenos G. Supporting Mobile Streaming Services in Future Publish/Subscribe Networks. Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS) 2009, April 22-24 2009. Katsaros K., Bartsotas, N., and Xylomenos G. Router assisted overlay multicast. 5th EuroNF Conference on Next Generation Internet (NGI), Jule 1-3, Aveiro, Portugal. Lagutin D and Tarkoma S, Forwarding challenges and solutions for a publish/subscribe network. ICT Mobile Summit 2009, June 10-12 2009. N. Fotiou, G. C. Polyzos, and D. Trossen, Illustrating a Publish-Subscribe Internet Architecture. Future Internet Architectures: New Trends in Service Architectures (2nd Euro-NF Workshop), June 9 2009. Submitted: 13 April 2009, Accepted: 14 May 2009. Jokela, P., Zahemszky, A., Esteve, C., Arianfar, S., and Nikander, P., LIPSIN: Line Speed Publish/Subscribe Inter-Networking. SIGCOMM'09 http://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2009/. Katsaros, K., Kemerlis, V. P., Stais, C., and Xylomenos, G. A BitTorrent Module for the OMNeT++ Simulator. MASCOTS 2009, September 21-23, London. Keinänen, J., Jokela, P., Slavov, K. Implementing zFilter based forwarding node on a NetFPGA. NetFPGA Developers Workshop, Aug, 2009. Lagutin, D. and Tarkoma, S. Public Key Signatures and Lightweight Security Solutions in a Wireless Environment. NEW2AN 2009, September 15-18. Trossen, D. A Vision for an Information-centric Internet. ITU World Forum Online Proceedings. October 8th, 2009. Zahemszky, A. and Arianfar, S. Fast Reroute for Stateless Multicast. The Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modelling, RNDM 2009. Gajic, B., Riihijärvi J., and Mähönen, P. Performance Evaluation of Network Coding: Effects of Topology and Network Traffic for Linear and XOR Coding. Journal of Communications, vol. 4, No. 11, pp. 885-893, November 2009. Visala, K., Lagutin, D., and Tarkoma, S. LANES: An Inter-Domain Data-Oriented Routing Architecture. ReArch'09, December 1st, 2009. Lagutin, D., Visala, K., and Tarkoma, S. Publish/Subscribe for Internet: PSIRP Perspective. Towards the FUture Internet - Emerging Trends from European Research, 2010. (Valencia FIA book 2010). Katsaros, K., Xylomenos, G., and Polyzos, G. C. A hybrid overlay multicast and caching scheme for information-centric networking. Global Internet Symposium 2010. Katsaros, K., Xylomenos, G., and Polyzos, G.C. MultiCache: an incrementally deployable overlay architecture for information-centric networking. INFOCOM WiP 2010. Zahemszky, A., Jokela, P., Särelä, M., Ruponen, S., Kempf, J., and Nikander P. MPSS: Multiprotocol Stateless Switching. Global Internet Symposium 2010. Submitted Jan 4th 2010. Katsaros, K., Stais, C., Xylomenos, G., and Polyzos, G.C. On the incremental deployment of overlay information centric networks. ICT Future Network & Mobile Summit, 16-18 June 2010, Florence, Italy. Fotiou, N., Marias, G.F., and Polyzos, G.C. Information ranking in content-centric networks. ICT Future Network & Mobile Summit, 16-18 June 2010, Florence, Italy. Xylomenos, G. and Cici, B. Socket Emulation over a Publish/Subscribe Network Architecture. ICT Future Network & Mobile Summit, 16-18 June 2010, Florence, Italy. Fotiou, N., Marias, G.F, and Polyzos, G.C. Fighting Spam in Publish/Subscribe Networks Using Information Ranking. 6th EuroNF Conference on Next Generation Internet (NGI), June 2-4 2010, Paris, France. Dimitrov, V. and Koptchev, V. PSIRP project – publish-subscribe internet routing paradigm: new ideas for future internet. Printed in a separate ACM DL issue in the “ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (ICPS)”, Vol. 471 (ISBN 978-1-4503-0243-2), Pages: 167-171. The paper was presented during CompSysTech 2010 conference, Sofia, 17-18 Jun 2010. Koptchev, V. and Dimitrov, V. Traffic and congestion control in a publish/subscribe network. Printed in a separate ACM DL issue in the “ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (ICPS)”, Vol. 471, (ISBN 978-1-4503-0243-2), Pages: 172-176. The paper was presented during CompSysTech 2010 conference, Sofia, 17-18 Jun 2010. Lagutin, D., Visala, K., Zahemszky, A., Burbridge, T., and Marias, G. F. Roles and Security in a Publish/Subscribe Network Architecture. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'10), pp. 68-74. Riccione, Italy, June 2010. Lagutin, D. and Tarkoma, S. Cryptographic Signatures on the Network Layer - an Alternative to the ISP Data Retention. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'10), pp. 87-93. Riccione, Italy, June 2010. Jardak, C., Riihijärvi, J., Oldewurtel, F., and Mähönen, P. Parallel Processing of Data from Very Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Network. Proceedings of the ACM HPDC, First International Workshop on MapReduce and its Applications (MAPREDUCE'10). Chicago, USA, June, 2010. Jardak, C., Riihijärvi, J., and Mähönen, P. Extremely Large-Scale Sensing Applications for Planetary WSNs. Proceedings of the ACM MobiSys, HOTPLANET Second International Workshop on Hot Topics in Planet-Scale Measurement. San Francisco, USA, June, 2010. Jardak, C., Riihijärvi, J., and Mähönen, P. Backend-Assisted Data Harvesting in Delay Tolerant Sensor Networks based on Spatial Statistics. Proceedings of the ACM ExtremeCom, Second Extreme Workshop on Communications. Dharamsala, India, September, 2010 (Invited). Trossen, D., Särelä, M., and Sollins, K. Arguments for an Information-Centric Internetworking Architecture. Accepted to ACM SIGCOMM CCR 04/2010 on 23.02.2010 Särelä, M., Esteve, C. R., Zahemszky, A., Nikander, P., and Ott, J. BloomCast: Security in Bloom filter based multicast. Nordsec 2010. Joint work with FI-SHOK project funded by TEKES. Trossen, D., Pavel, D., Guild, K., Bacon, J., and Singh, J. Information-centric Pervasive Healthcare Platforms. Pervasive Health 2010, March 2010 Gajic, B., Riihijärvi, J., and Mähönen, P. Performance Evaluation of Network Coding in Middle-Sized Networks. IEEE WCNC 2010, April 2010. Rajahalme, J. Incentive-informed Inter-domain Multicast. Global Internet Symposium 2010. Zahemszky, A., Gajic, B., Esteve, C. R., Reason, C., Trossen, D., Lagutin, D., Tuononen, J., and Katsaros, K. Experimentally-driven research in Publish/Subscribe Information-centric Inter-Networking.Tridentcom 2010. Xylomenos, G. and Cici, B. Design and Evaluation of a Socket Emulator for Publish/Subscribe Networks. Future Internet Symposium, September 20-22 2010, Berlin, Germany. Fotiou, N., Marias, G.F., and Polyzos, G.C. Towards a Secure Rendezvous Network for Future Publish/Subscribe Architectures. Future Internet Symposium, September 20-22 2010, Berlin, Germany. Fotiou, N., Marias, G., and Polyzos, G.C. Security Aspects of a Clean Slate Information Oriented Internet Architecture. International Tyrrhenian Workshop on Digital Communications, September 6-8, 2010, Island of Ponza, Italy. AcceptedFotiou, N., Nikander, P., Trossen, D., and Polyzos, G.C. Developing Information Networking Further: From PSIRP to PURSUIT. International ICST Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems (BROADNETS), 2010 (invited paper), 25-27 October 2010, Athens Greece. Trossen, D. and Biczok, G. Not Paying the Truck Driver: Differentiated Pricing for the Future Internet. In ReArch 2010, Philadelphia, USA. Fotiou, N., Polyzos, G.C., Trossen D. Illustrating a Publish-Subscribe Internet Architecture. Telecommunication Systems, Springer, Special Issue on 'Future Internet Services and Architectures: Trends and Visions' (to appear). Katsaros, K.V., Xylomenos, G., and Polyzos, G.C. MultiCache: an Overlay Architecture for Information-Centric Networking. Computer Networks, Elsevier, Special Issue on 'Future Internet,' Guest Editors: T. Wolf & L. Eggert. Fotiou, N., Marias, G., and Polyzos, G.C. Publish-Subscribe Internetworking Security Aspects in "Trustworthy Internet", G. Bianchi, L. Salgarelli, N. Blefari-Melazzi, eds., Springer, 2011 (to appear). This will be an extended version of the Security Aspects of a Clean Slate Information Oriented Internet Architecture paper. Brown, I., Clark, D., and Trossen, D. Should Specific Values Be Embedded In The Internet Architecture? In ReArch 2010, Philadelphia, USA. Arianfar, S., Nikander, P., and Ott, J. On Content-Centric Router Design and Implications. In ReArch 2010, Philadelphia, USA. |