The Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT) is a joint research institute of the two leading research universities in Finland, the University of Helsinki (UH) and the Helsinki University of Technology (TKK). TKK-HIIT currently has some 170 researchers and staff, conducting international and high-level strategic research in information technology and related multi-disciplinary topics, especially in areas where the Finnish IT industry has a significant role. It works in close co-operation with Finnish universities, research institutes, and industry, aiming at significant scientific impact that also benefits the industry. TKK-HIIT has a strong network of international partnerships with leading foreign research universities and institutions, including the University of California, Berkely (UCB) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). TKK-HIIT's work is organised in long-term research programmes, each consisting of several cooperating research groups with a total of 25-40 researchers. Each programme has an advisory board consisting of representatives from both the industry and academia. TKK-HIIT has been a partner in many European Framework Program projects and in coordinating several international projects.
Jussi Kangasharju
jussi (dot) kangasharju (a) hiit.fi
Jussi Kangasharju is a professor at University of Helsinki and a part- time Principal Scientist at HIIT. In PSIRP project his work is focused on evaluation.
Arto Karila
Principal Scientist
arto (dot) karila (a) hiit.fi
+358 50 384 1549
Arto Karila is the Coordinator of the PSIRP project and a part-time Principal Scientist at HIIT.
Dmitrij Lagutin
dmitrij (dot) lagutin (a) hiit.fi
Dmitrij is a researcher and Ph.D. student working on the PSIRP architecture and implementation issues. His main interests are security and mobility.
Jia Li
Research assistant
jia (dot) li (a) hiit.fi
Li Jia is a masters student working in the PSIRP architecture team. Her main interest is network coding.
Marja-Leena Markkula
Research manager
marja-leena (dot) markkula (a) hiit.fi
+358 50468789
Marja-Leena is working as a project manager in the PSIRP team. She is responsible for the administrative management of the EU projects HIIT is coordinating.
Ken Rimey
Senior research scientist
ken (dot) rimey (a) hiit.fi
Sasu Tarkoma
sasu (dot) tarkoma (a) hiit.fi
Sasu Tarkoma is professor at Helsinki University of Technology and affiliated with HIIT. He is docent at University of Helsinki. He is also Principal Member of Research Staff and Laboratory Expert at Nokia Research Center. His expertise includes content-based networking and mobile computing.
In the PSIRP project he is focusing on the architecture.
Kari Visala
kari (dot) visala (a) hiit.fi
Kari Visala is a researcher and Ph.D. student working in the PSIRP architecture and evaluation teams. His main interests are scalability and network resource allocation.