The Institute for Parallel Processing at the Bulgarian Academy of Science (IPP-BAS) has a leading position among the scientific institutions in Bulgaria in the fields of computer science, scientific computations, supercomputing, natural language processing and communications and control. The scientific staff includes two members of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, five full professors, 23 associate professors, 32 research assistants, and 25 university educated specialists, performing research, consultations, and education.
The activities of IPP-BAS are oriented toward creation and usage of advanced mathematical and information technologies with applications in engineering, chemistry, physics, mathematics, ecology, and health. IPP-BAS hosts and runs the Network Operations Centre of the National Research and Education Network. Important research areas are the analysis and development of tools for network monitoring and QoS, and research in grid infrastructures and technologies related to security and performance.
IPP-BAS scientists annually publish approximately 100 papers in refereed international journals and conference proceedings. Many staff members are lecturing part-time in several Bulgarian universities and supervising M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. Experienced IPP-BAS researchers are consultants and/or key members of the Bulgarian partner in the South-East European Research and Education Networking project (SEEREN) and GÉANT2.
Kiril Boyanov
boyanov (a)
Iordan Zahariev Iordanov
PhD Student
iordanov (a)
Nina Jeliazkova
nina (a)
Hristo Turlakov
tour (a)