RWTH Aachen University is one of the leading technological universities in Europe and its Faculty of Electrical Engineering has been constantly ranked as the best in Germany. RWTH enrols ca. 28,000 students and has approximately 400 full chaired professorships (institutes) in nine different faculties. The faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies strongly focuses on communication engineering and mobile networks. In this field, several of its departments have contributed to research and standardization activities worldwide. In 2006 the German Federal Government granted, after a fierce competition, a status of research excellence cluster to ultra-high speed mobile information and communication research establishment between the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Department of Computer Science. This excellence cluster status is accompanied with federal extra funding of 6M€ per year to secure international-level research endeavours. RWTH Aachen has extremely strong industrial relations, which is also demonstrated by that fact that it receives a very large amount of direct industrial funding and operates several joint research centres and endowed chairs with industrial companies.
Borislava Gajic
gbo (a)
Petri Mähönen
pma (a)
Marina Petrova
mpe (a)
Janne Riihijärvi
jar (a)